Women in Charge: The Importance of Female Leadership in Professional Sectors
International Women's Day, celebrated today, March 8, is a significant date to reflect on women's ongoing struggle for equality in rights and opportunities. Although there is still much to achieve, undeniable progress has been made, especially in the workplace.
Over the past decades, women have gained more space and have begun to occupy positions previously reserved only for men. However, there is still a significant gender disparity in leadership roles. Despite women representing over half of the population and the workforce, they remain underrepresented in executive and senior positions.
This disparity arises from various factors such as prejudice, lack of encouragement, and opportunities. Therefore, it is crucial to create policies and programs that promote women's presence in leadership roles, valuing their skills and competencies.
Having women in leadership roles is important because it fosters a more diverse and inclusive environment, bringing new ideas and perspectives to decision-making. Furthermore, having female leaders can inspire other women to pursue similar careers, creating a virtuous cycle of female empowerment.
There is still much to be done to ensure women are valued and have equal opportunities in the workplace. Combating harassment and gender discrimination, ensuring equal rights, and creating inclusion and diversity policies are essential.
Companies and organizations must adopt concrete measures to promote gender equity in their workplaces, such as mentoring and coaching programs, diversity and inclusion training, and merit-based promotion and career development policies.
As a woman-led company, we at John Richard understand the importance and are committed to promoting a safe environment that empowers and gives voice to our talents.
Today, we have 32 women on the team in relationship management, architecture, marketing, finance, and logistics. Each day, we strive to encourage more women to take their rightful places in the workforce.
Happy March 8th!
Ana Carla Mateus Santos - Pulsar
Araci Debora Paz - Diretoria
Calline Faria da Silva - Novos Negócios
Camila Cabral da Silva Logística - Estratégica
Carolina dos Santos Bessa - Financeiro
Caroline Moreira Feitosa - Relacionar
CEO Pamela Paz. https://www.linkedin.com/in/pamela-paz-bbb84b22/?originalSubdomain=br
Cristina Caetano de Oliveira Logística - Estratégica
Debora Rejane Siqueira Ramos de Menezes - Logística Estratégica
Debora Souza Moura Guilherme Logística - Estratégica
Elisa Oliveira da Silva Logística - Estratégica
Ellen Viana da Silva - Financeiro
Fernanda Sayuri Ishikawa - Relacionar
Gina Barreto Villarim - Novos Negócios
Glaucia Regiane Abdom - Relacionar
Graziela Carmezini - Marketing
Grazielle do Carmo Vignon Prado - Relacionar
Jamile Santos de Oliveira Logística - Estratégica
Jocilea Aparecida da Silva Santos - Relacionar
Layse Hana Moura Santos - Relacionar
Livia Gimenes - Tuim
Marcela das Neves Souza - Arquitetura
Maria Janielle Alves Fazio - Financeiro
Monique Lima Barbosa - Relacionar
Nayara Tiepo Niza - Arquitetura
Paôla Carmen Borges - Comercial
Rejane de Sousa Santos Vieira Logística - Estratégica
Rosemeire da Cunha Logística - Estratégica
Talita Araujo Brito - Arquitetura
Tatiane Aparecida Almeida de Oliveira - Relacionar
Thais Keyla Galdina Dias - Tuim
Victoria Maria Peixoto da Silva - Tuim
Viviane Lopes Magalhães de Souza - Marketing